46th Annual Grammy Awards (2003)
“Best Small Ensemble Performance”

“Indeed, even the familiar Vivaldi concertos on the disc sound fresh in its hands. What accounts for the verve? A sense of spontaneity, enviable technical facility and stylistic polish, to be sure, but also Europa Galante’s unfailing musicality responsible for transforming the adept into the memorable. The musicianship is of such a high order that it seems unfaire to single out individual players for praise”.

The New York Times
March 2003

“By now we know exactly what to expect from Fabio Biondi- the unexpected. Here we get all the stop and starts, swoops and darts, vigorous off-beat accents and moments of crazy articulation that he has made his trademark, but anticipating where they will come is practically impossible. This is exhilaratingly dangerous music-making and it pays off.”

May 2003


“If you are familiar with earlier recordings of Vivaldi by Europa Galante you are probably smacking your lips in anticipation over Concerti per mandolini. Your excitement is well-founded. This is a perfect recording that will be treasured by Vivaldi-ites.”

Early Music America
Summer 2003
The six Vivaldi concerts on this record are part of  a collection sold to Count Vinciguerra Collalto –  for a ridiculously low price – by an Antonio Vivaldi  at the end of his life,  in his Viennese solitude.
These pieces testify, an addition to an extraordinary violinistic maturity, the influence of new gallant style on the red priest last compositions.
