“The six recorded concertos range from the swagger of RV 229 and the programmatic scene painting of ‘The Posthorn’, RV 363, to the lyricism of RV 260 and the cheerful simplicity of RV 261 (…) Fabio Biondi effortlessly surmounts the technical difficulties and stylistic challenges of each concerto. He also directs Europa Galante with characteristic vigour and aplomb.”

BBC Music Magazine
December 2023

“the six concertos on this wonderful recording (together with an ornamented version of a slow movement re-used in another) demonstrate the composer’s richness of imagination and command both of his instrument and musical form.The wonderful Fabio Biondi and his band, Europa Galante (3322 strings and continuo), bring energy and sparkle, and reflection and pathos in equal measure for some exemplary performances of this repertoire.”

Brian Clark
Early Music Review
Aprile 2024


La più famosa strumentista dell’Ospedale della Pietà della prima metà del 1700 fu Anna Maria (1696-1782). Conosciuta e ammirata in tutta Europa, suonava non solo il violino, la viola d’amore e la tiorba, ma anche il clavicembalo, il violoncello, il liuto e il mandolino. Vivaldi ebbe un rapporto privilegiato con Anna Maria, che fu una virtuosa eccezionale, scrivendo per lei o almeno affidandole l’esecuzione di numerose opere per violino.
