“(Biondi’s) insistence on intimacy is underpinned by an alert period band – with fortepiano added to the ensemble – and smallish chorus. Instrumentally the reading constantly refreshes listening ears, imbuing Bellini’s famously spare orchestration with tender Romanticism, drawing the pacing out of the notes rather than imposing it on the drama”

BBC Music Magazine
November 2015

“There is plenty to please in Europa Galante’s performance… (Farca’s) light, silvery soprano lends a fragility to her character that Netrebko doesn’t always manage…Biondi certainly draws some exciting sounds from Europa Galante, lively woodwinds and thunderous timpani injecting tangy period-instrument flavours to proceedings”

December 2015


Fabio Biondi aspira, nella sua versione dei capuleti e montecchi a permettere agli ascoltatori di scoprire nuovi dettagli e prospettive di questa partitura. Europa Galante estende cosí il suo repertorio a un romanticismo desideroso di rievocare le affascinanti sonorità dell’epoca e la cura per ogni elemento della scrittura.
Romeo – Vivica Genaux
Giulietta – Valentina Farcas
Lorenzo – Fabrizio Beggi
Tebaldo – Davide Giusti
Capellio – Ugo Guagliardo
