“All four works are attractive and the playing is superb, making the disc worth investigating”

The Sunday Times
February 2009

“ The subtly programme disco offers four string textures, trio to sextet, from three distinct periods of Boccherini’s composing career. The best, and latest, comes first – one of the 47 two-cellos quitets written for Frederick William of Prussia, himself a fine amateur cellist. Recorded sound is close, lending immediacy though, in the most forceful moments”

BBC Music Magazine


“L’Europa sait alors oublier d’être Galante lorsqu’elle met en lumière ces aspects dans une réincarnation de l’art sombre et violent des Tenebrosi.L’originalité qui perce aussi bien à travers ce choix de structure que dans l’expressivité intense en fait l’un des meilleurs ambassadeurs du style de Boccherini, redoublant d’aura lorsqu’elle trouve un digne écho chez l’interprète que ni la routine ni la superficialité ne semblent éffleurer”

Juillet 2009
The first chamber music recording of Europa Galante for Virgin Classics: three Boccherini strings quintets with two cellos. Luigi Boccherini’s musical production has been mainly dedicated to chamber music while he was in the service of the prince of Spain. In those years, his music has a melodic and harmonic inventiveness that brings him to a level reached only by Haydn at the time.
The last piece of the cd is the famous minuet from the Quintet Op.11 n.5.
