“Fabio Biondi and his italian ensemble, Europa Galante, bring something entirely fresh and vital to hoft-performed repertoire, illuminating well-trodden paths with affective articulation and eloquently voiced inflexion. This music is wonderful stuff, rejuvenating and immensely satisfying”


“La sonorité chaleureuse et l’expressoin à la fois échevelée et rigoureuse de son violon soulèvent les musiciens de terre. Biondi parvient à obtenir une homogénéité parfaite de son orchestre dans les moindres nuances, les moindres détails de dynamique et de phrasé. On a l’impression d’entendre un virtuose unique et inspiré. Biondi vient de signer un grand disque.”

Le Monde de la Musique
Juillet 1998


“Vivaldi’s Op.3 has been called the most influential collection of instrumental works to appear during the eighteenth century. This corpus made an enormous impression on European musical taste – even on Bach who transcribed six of them – and established the three-movement solo concerto as the norm. This 1998 recording by of one of the most skilled period-instrument ensembles, Europa Galante lead by Fabio Biondi, remains a milestone reference recording. ‘Listening to these performances, I once again felt some of the thrill and excitement that affected me on hearing this music for the very first time” .
