“Fabio Biondi’s bustling virtuosity and highly personal mix of the quirky and the controlled is ideally suited to bringing out the best in these extrovert yet solidly constructed pieces, in which he seems thoroughly at home. It is hard to imagine this deserving music being more enchantingly presented”

September 2003

“Biondi’s negotiation of the rapid-fire staccatos and the often-severe rythmic delineations of line featured in the final “Giga del Postiglione” are a marvel…the dialogue that evolves between Biondi and cellist Maurizio Naddeo in “les vents” is ravishing. Highly recommended”

August 2003


Fabio Biondi takes us into the world of virtuoso violinists-composers, who lived and worked in the shadow of the great Corelli. 
This set of sonatas, dated to the first half of the 1700s, composed by composers such as Veracini, Locatelli, Geminiani and Tartini, require exceptional virtuosity and mastery of the instrument, expanding its technical and expressive limits. 
Michele Mascitti’s “psyche”, elegant and touching French-style divertissement, is part of these pieces that Fabio Biondi interprets with his characteristic exuberance, always together with the rich range of colors of Europa Galante’s continuo.
Fabio Biondi – violin
Maurizio Naddeo – cello
Giangiacomo Pinardi – theorbo, baroque guitar, zither
Sergio Ciomei – harpsichord, organ, gravicembalo, clavichord
